Aerial Hoop Recital

This is not an update but I really want to share this experience.

So last year I joined a recital for the first time. And although I was doing pole for quite a few years by this time and only did hoops for just a few months (and not so regularly), I chose to do aerial hoops for the recital. I don’t have aerial apparatus at home and it was an opportunity for me to practice aerial hoops more.

I’m not really flexible but I thought aerial hoops was beginner friendly enough that I can look good on it even though my body is kinda stiff. Hahaha! First few rehearsals were a bit slow. Our teacher focused more on building our strength on the hoop. I didn’t have much difficulty on this since I’m practicing pole and really gained strength from it. This helped me a lot and made doing tricks on the hoop a lot easier even though I was just beginning to learn it. What was difficult for me was when we practiced spinning. I have static pole at home and I didn’t really practice spinning on the hoop on my previous classes. I really feel sick every time I try to spin especially if I do it for more than a few seconds or I do it a bit fast.

I worried that I won’t be able to last a whole song because of spinning. But, practice really makes (you) better. I eventually got used to the spinning through repetition and practice. I also learned how to control the spin eventually but this technique didn’t really worked for me when we did doubles. So, again, I had to get used to fast spinning since I can’t really control it if I’m on the hoop with a partner.

Training really helped me get better, do the shapes in better and more stable form, be used to spinning, get stronger and build endurance. Gained friends during the training, too! And even though we trained 4 times a week, for sometimes more than 2 hours, to prepare for a 5 minute routine, I didn’t really feel tired because I enjoyed it a lot. I’m also thankful that I was able to get through training and performance safely without any injury or fall.

I hope things get better and we can all go out again without worrying about a pandemic. I miss training like that in a studio full of wonderful people that empower each other.

Anyway, here’s our performance. Hope you enjoy watching!

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