I’m Pregnant!

Today is baby’s 15th week. First trimester is really over. I’m hoping morning sickness is (over), too!

I was already delayed for a few days and decided to do the PT on our 3rd wedding anniversary. It was a really great blessing and such a happy news to receive on our special day.

Pregnancy is generally good. Results for all the initial tests done were all okay. The baby was 5 weeks when we first learned about the pregnancy and morning sickness became more… felt? and frequent on the 6th week. It also became more intense late week 7 until week 13. I felt bloated all the time and I usually just want to have a good burp but I retch instead. Most of the time, I feel like vomiting but nothing comes out. I seldom have actual vomits and when I do it was just liquid most of those times. The retching was really bad sometimes that it was hard to breathe between retches. Sometimes I had to force myself to inhale because the retching won’t stop and I’m already out of air from the motion. Good thing those times are all over now (I HOPE! PLEASE!).

I didn’t have intense cravings. Not the type that I had to eat specific thing right away. I had cravings but it was more like I just miss eating food that I used to eat before the pandemic. I had aversion though, on coffee! Haha! I was a coffee drinker. I used to drink 3 cups a day, one after every meal. When decided that we wanted to start trying to have a baby, I changed 1 or 2 of the cups to decaf. But on week 7, I started to retch just on the thought of having a coffee. Actually, even just writing about it now give me nausea, so I’m going to stop. Hahaha!

Baby at week 6, 8 and 12

I continued to attend stretch classes and aerial hoop classes, both online. I figured that I want to maintain my strength and hoping to still improve my flexibility to help me push the baby out more easily later. I researched online about exercises during pregnancy, asked around and consulted other aerial hoop mommas that I know and, of course, consulted my OB GYN about it and had a go signal from her. I was feeling extra tired during the first trimester and if I didn’t have those online classes, I’m sure I’m not going to push myself to exercise. But I pushed through, and every time I’m surprised with I can still do and I always feel more energized after the workout. I’m really thankful for having really considerate and great teachers to guide me and push me just enough.

Hoping and praying that my pregnancy continue to be good and healthy.

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